Monday 3 March 2008


Adultery I feel is a far more complex issue than just a person being wrong for doing it. Not everything is black and white in a relationship people can get bored, feel unloved and develop the need for someone to make them feel how they used to. When you start a relationship everything is new and exciting, it gives you something to look forward to each day but when that feeling fades away and all you are left with is responsibility, mundane everyday tasks in life like paying the bills and doing the shopping. It is not at all surprising that people seek out excitement some where else. I do think it is bad to commit adultery if you have children because your actions then are not only effecting yourself and your partner but also the people you are meant to protect from hurt in the world. However I can understand why people do cheat when they are bored with the life's they have. I know there is better ways to improve your own self worth and enjoyment in life but can anyone honestly say that they have never been tempted? When you know a person finds you attractive it gives you a major confidence boost why would anyone not want to feel confident and desired? I personally find it very hard to believe that two people can stay together and be happy for the rest of their life's not in today's day and age anyway! As you go through life experiencing new things and meeting new people you change as a person so what you used to have in common with a partner changes too. I think it is human nature to want to be around people that make you feel happy if you are no longer getting that from your current partner why not find is elsewhere? Maybe I am being to general in what I am saying and not considering the consequences enough. I have been cheated on myself in the past so I can honesty say I know how it feels but having been through it I am never shocked by hearing about infidelity and can understand some of the reasons why people do it.
I have included a link for a definition of adultery and some statics surrounding the act.

I hope I have not offended anyone by my views. Just really think about if you were extremly bored with your life and partner, would you look for that excitment you used to feel elsewhere?

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