Sunday 2 March 2008


Although quite an uncomfortable subject for most to discuss I found learning about the history of masturbation that it dates back to the Egyptian times and different cultures views on the act were both informative and interesting. It made me think about why there is such stigma attached to enjoying a natural part of life.

Discussing this issue with both male and female friends I noticed that my male friends seemed to be much more relaxed with talking about the subject and view masturbation as being a way to release frustration and make them feel less stressed. My female friends were much more reluctant to talk about the subject or even admit that they do it at all! Which makes me think do some women deny that they masturbate as they are worried what people will think of them?

Don't get me wrong I do think a majority of women are proud to admit they masturbate. But whereas there appears to be a split with women admitting to masturbation men appear to be all to happy to discuss the subject and are not at all embarrassed by doing so.

It also seems more socially accepted in a group of friends to discuss sex instead of masturbation
even though both are very personal acts. As we learned last Thursday masturbation is a common act from an early age however we as a society seem to find it difficult to seriously discuss the subject without finding the comedy value in it. Is this why some people don't admit to doing it as they fear they will be laughed at?
The link I have included offers an overview of the history of masturbation.


Danni said...

I see what you’re saying about society’s view of masturbation. It does seem to be more accepted to talk about by men than women. There probably isn’t that much difference in how many men or women admit they do it but it’s just that some don’t find it acceptable to talk about masturbation. I think there’s must be some kind of historical reason as to why it’s part of comedy so often and it’s laughed about because like you say, people talk about sex so maybe masturbations just less accepted.

Babii Nikki said...

masturbation isnt bad if people keep it to themselves and not bring it out in public, u know, people do whatever they want in private but just keep it that way.

CatherineHall said...

On your question; 'Is this why some people don't admit to doing it as they fear they will be laughed at?'

I believe that its actually a case of when masturbation is brought up in conversation, the immediate thought is it's a discusting act. Well in my mind anyway.

Yet i know it is not a discusting act. But the connotations that come with the act and term of masturbation are mostly negative: i.e. something you do when you're single, lonely, undesired, desperate.
All of which are harsh don't get me wrong. Everyone has their own thoughts on the term and use of the term. I'm not a reserved person but i do believe that such topics are simply out of bounds.