Wednesday 7 May 2008




What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
Film Studies.

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?

If so, how? And if not, why not?
The Film topic relates well to my film modules.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
For level one I feel an appropriate level.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
Yes they were appropriate for what we were studying 'Bad Behaviour'

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
Yes very well.

What did you think of the module team?
I enjoyed the lectures with the module team.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Information and talk from lecturers?
More handouts on topic information.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes because we get to learn about topics from different prespectives.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Yes because you get an idea of how other subjects apert from your own may work.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Yes because it keeps the module very intresting.

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
Yes I am.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Yes I would.

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
Yes I enjoyed making my weblog.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
No I liked the two short assigments because you got to approch questions in different formats.

What have you learned from the module?
Never to judge.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
I found the assesments useful because I did a piece in a format I have never done before. The weblogs were very useful as you got to understand other peoples thoughts on subjects.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
Very intresting and enjoyable module.

Monday 5 May 2008


Drugs are a common part of modern society these days. Celebrities bring drugs further into the media as a lot of well known celebs are known to have taken drugs. As the youth see there fave celebrities taking illegal substances then what are the chances of young people trying drugs to be like there fave celebs VERY HIGH I feel. I don't understand why people feel the need to take drugs I have known people in the past who have taken drugs and have been offered certain drugs myself and I have always said no. I remember in school watching a documentary about Leah Betts and it put me off drugs for life that young girls whole life was snatched away because she chose to take an Ecstasy tablet. It just proves that you don't really know how the substances are made and what you are putting into your body so why bother? Why take drugs when it is common knowledge that they can have serious side effects. It just seems completely pointless to me.
I have included a link to the website Frank which has info on various dangerous drugs

Sunday 4 May 2008

Comment on adultary!

I do think there are some instances where cheating for a time is the right thing for a person to do. I also think it depends on whether the person is married and has kids because then more people are going to get hurt in the process of a affair. I feel it is not always right to judge people if they cheat it comes down to why they did it in the first place. In some cases I also think it can be forgiven especially if it was a one time mistake.

Monday 28 April 2008

Genetic Sexual Atrraction!

I watched a very interesting channel four documentary on sibling sexual attraction. The two couples featured in the documentary were both half brothers and sisters who have the same mother but grew up apart, and when they meet as adults they fell in love and started a sexual relationship My first thought was that it is just wrong and quite frankly sick the thought of sleeping with your own sibling is just disgusting. However after watching the documentary and learning about the couples featured in the programme my feelings began to change. I felt in a way quite sorry for them. There is a explanation for this which is called Genetic Sexual Attraction which was discussed in the programme. GSA provides an explanation for siblings to have sexual feelings towards each other. My feelings are still mixed on the subject it must be a terrible thing for these siblings to go through knowing you are attracted to your sister or brother. But at the same time is it right for them to start a relationship? I have included a link to channel four cutting edge which has more info on the subject please have a look because it is a very interesting and unusual subject.

Sunday 27 April 2008

Comment on Body Modification

Oh my life! I cant believe what I just read on a blog about vagina mutilation an act performed on girls as young as 3! To me it seems very barbaric and against human rights I cant believe this happens in the world why would people think this is a good thing to do?
Check out the blog

Saturday 26 April 2008

Comment on Soaps Being Bad!

I agree with the post I have just read on the goings on in various Soaps. Soaps do portray a lot of bad behaviour as being normal such as lots of casual sex and dependency on alcohol. As all soaps feature a pub where the various characters regularly drain there sorrows. I found the recent Hollyoaks story line of two 17 year kids becoming addicted to hard drugs quite disturbing.
I understand that the story is trying to warn young kids off drugs but at the same time I think that it may also encourage some young teens to copy the charecters drug use. As some may think my favourite soap character is doing it so why don't I.
So is it a good or bad thing that soaps tackle these harsh issues, such as Hollyoaks which is aimed at a young audience I think yes and no. The various stories do serve as a warning to many teens but it is possible that they also influence young viewers into copying the characters antics.

Friday 25 April 2008

Comment on Monicas views on cheating!

I found this blog very interesting! Can cheating be seen as a natural thing to do yes I think sometimes it can. It is human nature to want to feel desired and wanted and people can get this through the rush of being with someone you know you should not be with. I don't think that cheating is just a game well maybe to some people but I think it comes down to the reasons behind why a person has chosen to cheat in the first place. I would not class cheating as either good or bad behaviour I think it totally depends on the individual circumstances.
Link to Monicas blog

Thursday 24 April 2008

Comment on views on smoking

I totally agree with what you are saying I am also a smoker and do think the ban was a good idea. Smoking I also think is viewed as bad behaviour by non- smokers I hate smoking around people that don't as I feel like I have this nasty habit(which I know it is) that I'm inflicting on others.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Comment on views on masturbation!

If masturbation is such a common part of life why should people keep it to themselves. I do understand that it is an uncomfortable subject for some but it is a natural part of life!

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Bad Comedians

Why are jokes that will offend people so funny! Take for example family Guy one of the characters is a pedophile who keeps going after the young teenage boy in the show! Why would the writers even want to put this into the script it is utterly sick? It is bad to laugh at jokes that will offend people so why do we do it? I mean everyone at some point must have laughed at a bad taste joke I know I have and after I always think I should not be laughing at that!I would love to know what makes our brains react at times to such bad taste humor.
Watch this clip Funny? or Sick? you decide

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Body Modification

I love tattos I have seven that I am really proud of. I had my first tattoo when I was 18 and have been addicted ever since I will admit the first one I had was to fit in with friends. But since then the various tattoos I have got have all meant something to me and is a reminder of a event in my life. Yes maybe they are also for fashion reasons but I don't think I will ever regret any of them. I have been told that I will regret them when I'm older and people have said imagine what they will look like when you are 70 and all wrinkly. My response is always maybe they wont look so good then but I will have a life long reminder of good times in my life and why I had each one done.
Body Modification is fashionable it can sometimes be like getting a new outfit or hairstyle which is the wrong reasons to alter your body. But if you are doing it for an important reason may that then I say go for it! I don't think tattoos can be seen as rebellious anymore because they are so common. A good program to watch if you want more info and reasons as to why people get tattoos is Miami Ink. During the program you see many people getting tattoos for reminders of important aspects in there life.
I have included a link to a website that gives a history on tattoos.

Monday 7 April 2008

I am a smoker but I do believe that the ban on smoking in pubs was a very good thing. I have worked in pubs for many years now and nothing was worse than being around the smell of fag smoke for eight hours a day! I know I sound like a hypocrite but the fumes of 60 people smoking in a pub is awful. Smoking is a personal choice so why inflict the fumes and smell on people that do not smoke! Second hand smoke is known to be just as bad for your health as smoking. So choosing to smoke around people that do not smoke is in a way morally wrong because you could be passing on future health risks to people you don't even know!
I have included a link to the cancer research site which gives info on passive smoking at its dangers.

Monday 17 March 2008


I was told the movie was going to be really shocking and leave you with that strange feeling you sometimes get when watching a controversial or sicking film. Telly's actions throughout the film were sometimes hard to watch I think for me however it did not shock me that a young boy was having casual sex but more the age of the girls he was doing it with. The issue of HIV was uncomfortable to watch but I applaud the film for dealing with a subject that should be discussed more with young teenagers and adults. Casual sex is part of the youth culture for a lot of teens, so to bring attention to the fact that you can catch this utterly life changing disease at any time wherever you sleep with a lot of people or just one should be shown to educate kids of the dangers of UN- safe sex. It was overal I feel a shocking film but has a good strong message DON'T HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX!. Children are growing up so much faster these days and often not thinking about the consequences of there actions. This movie should be shown in schools to show kids that even though drinking and sleeping around may look fun, it can often carry serious consequences.

I have included a link that shows the percentage of men and women catching a sexual transmitted disease under the age of 25. This has become an increasing problem over the country. Maybe educating teens early on with hard hitting films like kids might make them think twice when making the decision to use protection or not!

Monday 3 March 2008


Adultery I feel is a far more complex issue than just a person being wrong for doing it. Not everything is black and white in a relationship people can get bored, feel unloved and develop the need for someone to make them feel how they used to. When you start a relationship everything is new and exciting, it gives you something to look forward to each day but when that feeling fades away and all you are left with is responsibility, mundane everyday tasks in life like paying the bills and doing the shopping. It is not at all surprising that people seek out excitement some where else. I do think it is bad to commit adultery if you have children because your actions then are not only effecting yourself and your partner but also the people you are meant to protect from hurt in the world. However I can understand why people do cheat when they are bored with the life's they have. I know there is better ways to improve your own self worth and enjoyment in life but can anyone honestly say that they have never been tempted? When you know a person finds you attractive it gives you a major confidence boost why would anyone not want to feel confident and desired? I personally find it very hard to believe that two people can stay together and be happy for the rest of their life's not in today's day and age anyway! As you go through life experiencing new things and meeting new people you change as a person so what you used to have in common with a partner changes too. I think it is human nature to want to be around people that make you feel happy if you are no longer getting that from your current partner why not find is elsewhere? Maybe I am being to general in what I am saying and not considering the consequences enough. I have been cheated on myself in the past so I can honesty say I know how it feels but having been through it I am never shocked by hearing about infidelity and can understand some of the reasons why people do it.
I have included a link for a definition of adultery and some statics surrounding the act.

I hope I have not offended anyone by my views. Just really think about if you were extremly bored with your life and partner, would you look for that excitment you used to feel elsewhere?

Sunday 2 March 2008


Although quite an uncomfortable subject for most to discuss I found learning about the history of masturbation that it dates back to the Egyptian times and different cultures views on the act were both informative and interesting. It made me think about why there is such stigma attached to enjoying a natural part of life.

Discussing this issue with both male and female friends I noticed that my male friends seemed to be much more relaxed with talking about the subject and view masturbation as being a way to release frustration and make them feel less stressed. My female friends were much more reluctant to talk about the subject or even admit that they do it at all! Which makes me think do some women deny that they masturbate as they are worried what people will think of them?

Don't get me wrong I do think a majority of women are proud to admit they masturbate. But whereas there appears to be a split with women admitting to masturbation men appear to be all to happy to discuss the subject and are not at all embarrassed by doing so.

It also seems more socially accepted in a group of friends to discuss sex instead of masturbation
even though both are very personal acts. As we learned last Thursday masturbation is a common act from an early age however we as a society seem to find it difficult to seriously discuss the subject without finding the comedy value in it. Is this why some people don't admit to doing it as they fear they will be laughed at?
The link I have included offers an overview of the history of masturbation.


My views on theft are quite varied I believe under no circumstances stealing from a person's home, bank account or from a purse or wallet you find unattended on a bus or in a restaurant is very wrong.
However I do believe that in some cases stealing from a supermarket or a retail shop only if for necessity is OK.
Imagine yourself a homeless person desperate for a sandwich or a single parent not being able to afford food for your children or a new pair of school shoes they desperately need. Would you steal for these reasons? I know I would without thinking twice about it I would be taking something I desperately need for a good reason in these cases I do not think it is morally wrong.

I have just read a very interesting article about middle class people stealing and doing it for a buzz. Because they can get away with it and feel they are entitled to take something from a shop as they spend so much money in them anyway. These reasons to me do not seen acceptable in anyway. To take something purely for fun seems to me to be very morally wrong and is in very strong contrast to stealing for necessity. I have included the article on this blog for you to read.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Module Field Trip

Bad Cinema a recent film that relates to a certain aspect of study from the course.